



Music studies are available year round:

Academic year: September 1st through June 30th

Summer Session: July 1st through August 31st 

The Academic Year consists of 40 teaching weeks:

  • 30 weeks of private instructions with Yulia Berry, D.M.A.
  • 4 theme-based group lessons scheduled throughout the year
  • 4 rehearsals with a professional pianist Miles Fellenberg, D.M.A.
  • 2 recitals (Performance classes)
  • Possible additional Chamber Music ensembles, rehearsals and performances

For students, enrolling after the start of the Academic year, the number of lessons in the sign up month will be prorated and a regular flat monthly payment will be scheduled, starting the following month.

July and August - summer lessons are optional and depend on the teacher's availability. They should be requested and arranged in advance.

After the registration, you will access the student portal with the calendar, showing all dates for the lessons, recitals and piano rehearsals for the whole year.


A registration fee of $50 must accompany each student's registration form and payment for tuition. This fee helps to cover administrative costs (printing, postage, supplies, awards, cleaning supplies); reserves the student's place in the studio; and recognizes our mutual commitment to a year of study.

The annual fee is non-refundable and is due at the time of registration with a completed registration form for each new and returning student, even if a student starts lessons after the school year started.

Registration is complete when a registration fee has been received by NEFI, along with setting up recurring payments at the student portal on our website or giving post-dated checks or paying in full.   


***This program offered to all students and includes full music curriculum, recitals, ensembles, etc. If you are not sure what program to choose, register for this program***


  • A time slot reserved on your name.
  • Weekly private lessons, following NEFI calendar.
  • Included in lessons: music theory, music history, music quizzes, rhythm developing games, ensembles, incentives.
  • An individualized plan and time spent in preparation for the student include developement of curriculum, searching for music, lesson planning, bookkeeping, etc. It has been sited by professional music journals that for every hour enrolled into music lessons, you are investing in at least 2 hours of the teacher's time.
  • 2 professionally organized formal recitals (bonus performance classes, no additional charge).
  • 4 piano rehearsals with a professional pianist.
  • Preparation for recitals and auditions, performance management.
  • 4 theme-based group lessons, scheduled throughout the year (bonus music theory/history/ensemble classes, no additional charge).
  • Possible Chamber music ensembles, rehearsals and performances.
  • Online lessons as a make up option.
  • All books and materials. The library is being constantly updated with new teaching materials and new music - this keeps the cost of your music lessons significantly lower, as music materials are expensive.
  • Studio expenses - rent, insurance, softwares, bookkeeping, incentive programs, printing, music books, supplemental materials, etc.
  • Recitals' costs and preparations - design and printing of posters and programs, facility rentals, refreshments, certificates for students, flowers and souvenirs.


  • Teacher's past training and experience
  • Teacher's ongoing professional development
  • Professional memberships
  • Business license
  • Studio insurance
  • Self-employment taxes


Additional piano rehearsals - if needed, the number and length of additional piano rehearsals will be determined individually, depending on the student level, progress, goal and the accompanist' availability. The students will be billed for those rehearsals separately.


ACADEMIC YEAR TUITION (September 1 - June 30)  is divided into 10 equal payments

TUITION FOR 2024/2025, September 1st to June 1st (10 equal payments)

30 minute weekly lessons plus bonuses - 10 payments of $300 

45 minute weekly lessons plus bonuses -  10 payments of $350 

60 minute weekly lessons plus bonuses - 10 payments of $380

Paying with a credit card: Our Student Portal uses secure Stripe online processing. You will need to enable the auto-debit option in your account at the student portal during or after the registration process, if you choose this option. You will receive your payment statements and receipts on the 1st day of the month.
*There will be a 3% fee by Stripe for Credit Card processing.

Paying with 10 post-dated checks: If you choose to pay with post-dated checks, all 10 checks must be given prior starting the lessons. Post-dated checks (1st day of each month, made to Yulia Berry's Flute Studio - please, note that as of now NEFI is a branch of Yulia Berry's Flute Studio) cannot be deposited before the date written on the check, so this way you break your annual tuition into monthly payments, using post-dated checks. 

Paying with 5 post-dated checks: break the tuition into 5 payments. The dates on the checks should be: September 1, November 1, January 1, March 1, May 1. (The checks should be made to Yulia Berry's Flute Studio - please, note that as of now NEFI is a branch of Yulia Berry's Flute Studio)

Paying in full: You can also choose to pay in full with a check or a credit card.  

Paying online by invoice

Please, note: Only completed registrations qualify to start lessons at New England Flute Institute.




Information and rates will be emailed upon approval. These programs might have various fees, depending on the student needs, and offer additional activities, performances, a la carte lessons and online lessons.



By invitation, for current students. Included into regular tuition


(5 lessons of 30, 45 or 60 minutes)

Sign up for only 5 lessons before committing to a longer period.

Eligibility: New students only. One time only. 

This is a special offer to those students who need to decide if they will be committing to the full Academic Year before they sign up for the NEFI membership. After you make a decision to continue with the lessons on the regular basis, you will need to register for one of the NEFI programs. 


5 lessons of 30 minutes: $385

5 lessons of 45 minutes: $415

5 lessons of 60 minutes: $465

Please, note, you will be required to pay the registration fee of $50 at the time of registration for all programs, including the Introductory Package. 

When you continue the lessons, it will count towards your registration for a year long program (you don't need to pay it twice). If you decide not to continue, the registration fee will be refunded.


Summer lessons are optional and depend on the teacher's availability. They have to be arranged and paid separately.


Regular attendance is expected and encouraged in order to gain maximum benefit from music instruction, however, missed lessons are inevitable. To be eligeable for a makeup lesson, we require a 24 hour notice. Remember, teacher cannot re-sell your missed time slot and giving makeup lessons takes double time from the teacher's schedule. 

If you need to miss a lesson, you’ll receive an online lesson through Zoom in the available time that will be offered to you by the teacher.

In case of Inclement Weather, you will be offered an online video lesson at your regular lesson time.
If the teacher must miss a lesson, she will offer you a few makeup choices and dates or will credit a missed lesson to your account.

No credits or refunds are given, if a student chooses to miss a lesson or a make up option. Tuition remains consistent regardless of the number of lessons attended.  


If for any reason you must stop lessons, a one month notice is required. At that time, we will pro-rate the tuition for your final month to reflect the number of lessons that you have received based on the last lesson date. You will be required to pay this balance within 30 days. After this the reccuring payments will be cancelled and all post-dated checks returned to you. 

Regrettably, we will have to dismiss a student if any of these circumstances occurs:

• Failure to pay tuition on time  
• Persistent absences
• Uncooperative attitude
• Failure to follow practice as instructed
• Lack of progress due to insufficient practice or unfulfilled requirement.


Ms Berry will provide a positive and enthusiastic atmosphere for learning and will offer many performance and enriching activities. The teacher will continue to further teaching skills and music knowledge by belonging to professional organizations, attending workshops, reading professional publications, and engaging in other activities leading to professional growth. Ms Berry will encourage a feeling of success at each student’s individual rate of learning and guide each student towards musical independence with a balanced program of theory, flute technique, ear-training, sight-reading and performance opportunities. She will make flute as fun and entertaining as possible!


When students enroll, they are reserving their placement in NEFI for the entire year. The enrollment agreement is a firm commitment and guarantees your place in the studio. Please understand that the tuition you pay reserves an exclusive weekly time in the schedule for your child. Unlike a doctor or a hairdresser, we cannot re-sell that time nor can I create extra teaching time in which to give lessons.

The student agrees to arrive at each lesson punctually, well-prepared, and with all necessary materials. If you arrive five minutes late, your lesson is five minutes shorter. You reserve the time slot, not the number of minutes.


The first lesson will give us a chance to get to know each other. It will allow Ms Berry to assess your current skill level, strengths and any areas that need work. It will also give you a chance to ask questions. If you have had previous lessons, bring all your books and a prepared piece to play for me. We will discuss what goals or plans you have in mind.


Home practice is critical to students’ progress. Lesson preparation should receive as much priority as homework for any other class. A minimum of 30 minutes a day, five-six days a week is generally necessary for beginning-intermediate level students. A minimum of 60 minutes daily practice is recommended for intermediate-advanced level students. We will discuss proper practice techniques and have a clear outline of what the student needs to focus on.

Students who consistently refuse to practice or make an effort to practice week after week may be dropped.


We have unavoidable expenses for recitals to cover a rent of a venue, accompanist work on that day, printing programs, posters and certificates, goody bags and flowers, and sometimes receptions. These fees are included in your membership, so please, do take an advantage of what we offer and participate in our beautiful events


Remember to work with your child in setting up a daily practice schedule as soon as each new season approaches, whether it is the school year or summer vacation. A "set time" each day will help them remember without constantly having to be reminded and will also help insure that you are getting your money's worth out of music lessons. The study of music is rewarding and enjoyable, but it is also work! It is probably the first serious commitment your child has ever made. As you know, your child will be only as committed as you are. Each student will move along as quickly as the assigned material is sufficiently mastered. It is my sincere desire that my teaching and your support at home (with encouragement, praise, and discipline when needed) will form an effective team. By working together we can make music one of the most enjoyable experiences your child will ever encounter. This is one of the few avenues of training that they will carry with them for an entire lifetime.


Although this is a private flute studio, and is not affiliated with any school district, it is no less an educational institution--and must be regarded as such. It is the position of this studio that flute/recorder lessons are to be treated with the same level of importance as any other subject your child may be studying in school. It is also the position of this flute studio that sporting events and other extracurricular activities are not considered valid excuses for not practicing during the week. Please respect my curriculum and my commitment to your child's musical education by maintaining a priority level for flute studies equal to that of other school subjects--regard it as a "private extension" of academics that would otherwise be unavailable to your child.